Venture Catalyst Partners, LLC.
Paul, brings 25+ years of experience as a technology developer, inventor, and entrepreneur. Having built businesses that have achieved tremendous financial and market success with exits from IPO’s, to acquisitions, to licensing deals.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Venture Catalyst Partners, Growth and Business Accelerator?
This is where all the magic happens, but there is a catch. You have to be invited to participate. We execute a very careful, thoughtful and thorough process of due diligence and deep business assessment, before we make a decision to invest our "capital". This is because if we don't make an huge impact we don't get a return. If we don't get a return our partners won't be our partners for very long.
What is the Venture Catalyst Partners, Tribe of Twelve?
This is an integrated power mentoring program designed specifically for CEOs and Founders. It was developed primarily for Private Equity / Venture Capital / Angel Investment Funds for the leaders of their most promising investments. We have recently extended it to include Entrepreneurs and Founders that are not necessarily venture backed, but are eminent. There is also quite a bit of magic that happens here as well, but there is a catch. You have to be invited to participate.
What is the Venture Catalyst Partners, MRI and CAT-SCAN business assessment?
This is our proprietary investment and due diligence process available to Private Equity / Venture Capital / Angel Investment Funds. We look at impact factors that are not so obvious and our proprietary asymmetrical due diligence process is designed to uncover sticking points that didn't exist or were overlooked or glossed over in the "courtship" phase. We help investors discern issues through process of due diligence and deep business assessment, before they make a decision to invest their "capital". If we like what we find we might invest right along side you. This is because if we don't make an huge impact we don't get a return.
What is the Venture Catalyst Partners, StartUp Accelerator?
This is our proprietary investment and due diligence process available to Private Equity / Venture Capital / Angel Investment Funds, but it is applied pre-funding to an opportunity. In addition to our assessment we will work with the CEO/Founder of a StartUp to put an actionable acceleration plan as well as our weight behind the opportunity. It is designed primarily to be delivered in 100 day increments and can be extended into our typical one-to-three year investment cycle.