Venture Catalyst Partners, LLC.
Paul, brings 25+ years of experience as a technology developer, inventor, and entrepreneur. Having built businesses that have achieved tremendous financial and market success with exits from IPO’s, to acquisitions, to licensing deals.
How Is Your Portfolio's Performance?
Our goal is to attract the small(medium) high growth businesses that have a track record of past success, but are currently a drag on your Private Equity, Venture Capital and or Angel Investment portfolio returns. Plainly, we want a shot at turning these opportunities around. The numbers are behind our success, if you are dragging around a couple of lead weights in your portfolio, let us have a look.
We have started a new hybrid investment company, Venture Catalyst Partners where we have changed the reference model from consulting on a per diem to the mindset of an venture firm investing for a stake in a new future for your current portfolio.

1. How to Start Our Investment Process

2. One Day Beta-Physical

3. Investment
Our first step is to ask you the Investor, CEO(s) and founder(s) you designate to participate in a three-to-four hour remote assessment call or televideo conference.
This assessment will help your team and ours ascertain whether your designated leaders have the personal (and organizational) ambition to swing the hammer of disruptive innovation into their industry’s status quo and build a High Performance Organization that outperforms the market 4:1.
These questions will set the stage for us to gain a massive amount of research data needed to begin our process of adding massive value should we decide to make an investment in your opportunity.
The one day off-premises (at our house) "Beta-Physical" is the follow up to the assessment.
This event backed up with the background answers to the assessment, and ideally take place in our Venture Catalyst Partners Growth and Business Accelerator either on the East Coast.
The outcome being a comprehensive alteration determination by our investment committee and term sheet of which there is no obligation to take our investment; and you have the choice of:
1. Doing nothing.
2. Implement recommendations yourselves.
3. Or moving to the next step in our taking our investment.
Armed with this alteration the team for your opportunity will empowered with a blueprint for how to achieve greater success.
However, that being said without the direct active role that Venture Catalyst Partners take on throughout the process your success will be that much more greatly diminished or unrealized. Without your commitment you will lose the balance of our investment.
This is a custom tailored investment program to be administered over the course of one or more years. Which can be, depending on the success requirements of the opportunity can be administered over the course of one year, or is generally applied over three years. We take the long view on our investments.
We do not take on any client risk unless we are also certain that in our own mind that this opportunity with be successful with our added investment. That being said if your opportunity isn't successful neither are we.
However if you feel that your business can be successful and you want to engage VCP proprietary market and leadership investment strategies regardless of our investment decision we will consider such an arrangement.